Keys for Compassion

Your staff is tired; your stakeholders are anxious; it seems as the whole world is holding its collective breath today.
With 2020 continuing its trend of bringing us nothing but uncertainty, we wanted to share our four insights on how to communicate compassionately over the next few weeks: 

Lead with empathy.

This is the week to check in on your key stakeholders: employees, partners, and clients included. Give your employees (appropriate) space to talk, perhaps on a separate Slack channel. Approach meetings knowing your clients are probably anxious, and need your patience.

Be flexible and reconsider timing.

With 90% of the oxygen being sucked up by the election, this isn’t the best week to get attention on that product launch or new initiative. If possible, delay slightly; you’ll get much more bang for your buck once the initial dust settles than you will right now.

Plan and then seize opportunities.

For some, the coming days, weeks, and months will provide opportunities to insert yourselves into  bigger topical conversations. Develop a plan; identify strategies; and be ready to take advantage when the moment strikes. 

Remember your core purpose.

Your organization has a central mission – you exist to do work that matters. It’s important that you – and your team – remain centered on who you are and why you exist to keep you motivated, and to push your work forward in meaningful ways.  


We hope you’re all doing well, and focusing on that core purpose. In these emotionally trying times, knowing that we have partners and clients who are positively impacting the world makes facing the day just a bit easier.