
We sell good.
Not goods.

Argus. All good.

  • Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Branding
  • Creative and design
  • Advertising
  • Digital
  • Social
  • UX/UI
  • Crisis communications

  • Health and health care
  • Transportation and real estate
  • Education
  • Arts and culture
  • Government
  • Non-profit
  • Purpose-driven consumer brands

Who We Are

We’re problem-solvers. Strategists. Doers. Experts in our fields.

Our diverse team merges Boston-based expertise with global experience. We speak 4 languages in the office; our team members have worked on campaigns from local health departments to Fortune 500 companies.


Lucas Guerra



Lucas Guerra


Lucas is the Founder of Argus, setting the bar for strategy, creativity, and results. Lucas brings more than 20 years of experience in creative development, social/cause marketing, branding, art direction, and TV/radio production. He is known for his political acumen, his incisive vision, and his profound understanding of what makes people tick. His creative marketing ideas are consistently successful at building strong emotional and rational bonds between the client’s brand and its target audiences, prompting action.

A native of Argentina, Lucas founded Argus 30 years ago as a student at the Art Institute of Boston. With his career spanning more than two decades of professional experience in graphic design, concept development, art direction, and TV/radio production, Lucas’ expertise encompasses the creation of public education and consumer services campaigns, including for MassDOT, EOPSS, MBTA, and DPH. His creative work has been recognized with many awards, including multiple Emmys.

Lucas currently serves on the Hyams Foundation Board of Directors. He is also an internationally recognized poet, storyteller, and filmmaker.

Caitlin Dodge


Caitlin Dodge


As CEO, Caitlin Dodge drives the vision and growth of Argus. In this role, she leads operations, directs client relationships, and maps out our strategy as an agency. An experienced and insightful marketing leader, Caitlin has helped shepherd complex clients through their most challenging communications issues and is depended on by marketing leaders in multiple sectors for her expertise in developing effective campaigns across mediums and audiences.

Caitlin began her career at Smithsonian Enterprises, the company that publishes Smithsonian Magazine, Air & Space Magazine, goSmithsonian Magazine, and runs the Smithsonian Television Channel. As Smithsonian’s Marketing Manager, she focused on creating multimedia campaigns for national and international clients. Prior to joining Argus, Caitlin was the account lead for Williams Whittle, a non-profit focused marketing and ad agency in Alexandria, VA.

When Caitlin is not multitasking at work, she’s multitasking at home. You’ll often find her absorbed in an Audible book while chasing after her two small children. She’s also outdoors whenever she can manage it – by the ocean, hiking, or skiing.

Scott Zoback

Managing Director

Scott Zoback

Managing Director

Scott drives new business growth and partnerships, working closely with teams at every level of the agency to figure out “what’s next” for Argus and how to tell our story to the world. Drawing from his years of political experience, he also oversees strategy for some of our most complex clients in the public sector, helping them hone their vision and develop productive relationships both internally and externally.

Past roles have brought Scott to the intersection of complex strategic communications, media, and public affairs as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Strategy for the Massachusetts Senate President; the Director of Communications and Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Department of Public Health (DPH); and leading external affairs for the Massachusetts Medical Use of Marijuana Program.

When Scott is not running things, he runs, training for seven Boston Marathons and raising over $80,000 for Boston hospitals.

José Nieto

Chief Strategy Officer

José Nieto

Chief Strategy Officer

Known affectionately (he hopes) as “the professor,” Jose leads the strategic development at Argus, combining analytical thinking, creative know-how, and marketing insights to craft brands and campaigns that resonate with audiences, positively impact the community, and achieve client goals. An instinctive collaborator, Jose works with both the account and creative team to keep our work always on target.

Jose has degrees from Tufts University, NYU, and MassArt. Before joining Argus, Jose was principal of SquareZero, an award-winning graphic design studio specializing on cultural, publishing, and education clients, and principal designer at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston, where he worked on everything from print and digital advertising, exhibition collateral, the museum website and ecommerce, and the member magazine. Previously, he was the Design Director at Northeastern University.

When he’s not thinking about client projects, Jose enjoys traveling with his wife and teenage son. He’s also a published novelist and an amusing storyteller – but make sure never to ask him about Borneo: he’ll never shut up about it.

Marie Rockett

Head of Art

Marie Rockett

Head of Art

Marie Rockett is an award-winning Art Director and Designer with over 20 years of agency experience. She has overseen campaigns with a wide variety of topics including health, wealth, and tourism. As Head of Art she uses design and creativity to make a difference in people’s lives.

Marie went to engineering school to study design and play field hockey. Her educational journey laid the foundation for a fulfilling career. Her extensive experience as a Graphic Designer, Art Director, and Creative Lead reflects a diverse skill set that encompasses a love for design and creative ingenuity. Through ad agencies big and small and she’s won everywhere she’s been, including at all the award shows, from the Francis W. Hatch Awards, to the Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Addys, Clio Health, Webbies, and Luzers Archive.

She’s worked on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Museum of Science, Citizens Bank, Everett Bank, Natixis Investment Managers, United Way, Museum of Science Boston, and Meet Boston. She is a graduate of Thayer Academy and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Pete Valle

Head of Copy

Pete Valle

Head of Copy

Pete wanted to be a rock star. Instead, he’s a writer with the gift of gab, a penchant for storytelling, and a desire to make the world just a little bit better. After 20 years at all kinds of ad agencies, hawking everything from cars to cruises to cranberry juice, Pete came to ThinkArgus to sell something entirely different: hope. He believes that a great idea can do more than move units. It can change, improve, and even save lives.
Pete’s creative leadership philosophy is simple: hands-on, hearts-in, minds-open. He’s won the industries most coveted awards, from the Francis W. Hatch Awards to the Communication Arts Advertising Annual, Addys, Webbys, AdWeek Ad of the Day, and even something called the Golden Bevies. His client list includes but is not limited to MeetBoston, Museum of Science, Boston Public Market, Certified Financial Planners, Ocean Spray, Progressive, Jeep, Ram Trucks, and SolarCity. Pete spent his childhood at Milton Academy and his college years at Holy Cross, where he studied English and played hockey.

Gretchen Driscoll

Head of People

Gretchen Driscoll

Head of People

As Head of People, Gretchen draws from years of coaching experience to ensure that everyone at Argus has the opportunity to put their best selves forward. Committed to the growth of the individual as well as the organization, she strives to create an environment where every employee feels supported personally and professionally.

Gretchen’s appointment culminates a two-year consulting partnership with Caitlin Dodge during which she helped streamline the hiring process and double the agency’s headcount. She is eager to serve as an individualized success coach for every team member, build a talent pipeline, and expand her strategic growth work to the organization’s daily operations.

Gretchen lives on the North Shore with her fiancé and children and loves to be active and outdoors as much as possible! An avid student of personal development, spirituality and how they intersect with awareness and conscious choice; she is committed to be fully aligned in the work that she does.

Dana Anderson

Director of Client Partnerships, Branding

Dana Anderson

Director of Client Partnerships, Branding

Dana leads the strategy, content development, creative execution, and implementation of integrated campaigns and branding efforts, specializing in complex clients with multiple stakeholders, such as East Boston Neighborhood Health Center and Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. Dana prides herself in being extremely flexible and solutions-oriented – her least favorite word is “no” – and always strives to provide the best value for her clients. A creative person at heart, she’s unafraid of outside-the-box approaches that get people’s attention while achieving strategic goals.

Before joining Argus, Dana focused her career on omni-channel, data-driven marketing. But she was always interested in getting her hands dirty with more creative work. Argus gave her that in spades, as well as clients that inspire passion and purpose.

Dana is a positive thinker who’s always up for a challenge or spontaneous adventure, which explains her love for the great outdoors, traveling, photography, and hiking.

Lauren Lisitano

Senior Account Director, Public Health

Lauren Lisitano

Senior Account Director, Public Health

As Senior Account Director, Lauren understands the power of social marketing to bring about positive change. That understanding drives her approach to strategic and creative development of public health initiatives for clients such as the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services and Office of Problem Gambling Services.

After earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Communications from Salve Regina University, Lauren worked on off-premise marketing initiatives for leading international CPG brands. A passion for health equity led her to Worldways Social Marketing, where she worked with the Delaware Division of Public Health Maternal and Child Health and the Delaware Division of Services for Children, Youth, and Families to develop social marketing campaigns aimed at reducing infant mortality rates across the state.

For Lauren, public health marketing is a vocation, not just a career. When she takes a break, you can usually find herself at a beach reading a new book and making dinner reservations.

Lane Beachler

Senior Art Director

Lane Beachler

Senior Art Director

As Senior Art Director, Lane leverages  her passion for  design and knowledge  of strategy to bring compelling creative projects to life. She sets her sights high, creating work that takes risks and pushes boundaries. A highly collaborative art director, she’s always there to help her team produce the best work possible for our clients.

After graduating from the Columbus College of Art and Design, Lane started her career as an in-house digital designer, then shifted into art direction at Weber Shandwick and Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners. She has proven experience directing large and small-scale productions, advertising and awareness campaigns, digital and print collateral for both healthcare and consumer clients.

Outside working hours, Lane bakes and hangs out with her husband. She also does the New York Times crossword every single day.

Francesca Salvatore

Design Lead

Francesca Salvatore

Design Lead

As Design Lead, Francesca supports the creative team in the design and development of brand identities, visual communications, and advertising campaigns. Her training as an agency strategist informs her approach to design problems, keeping her focused – and invested – on client objectives and challenges. No matter the size or scope, her projects are all driven by empathy and strategic rigor.

Prior to joining Argus, Francesca worked at Minelli and Lippincott as a brand strategist, partnering with clients in retail, energy, tech, healthcare, education, and the arts to develop thoughtful brand solutions that drove business objectives. A love for art (and the east coast) brought her back to Boston and back to school to pursue a graphic design degree at MassArt.

Her favorite branding experiences thus far have been coining a new name for an eco-friendly motor oil company and developing a visual system for Boston’s largest housing provider.

Ted Ryan

Senior Copywriter

Ted Ryan

Senior Copywriter

As Senior Copywriter, Ted communicates the client’s message through empathy, clarity, and tone. In this role, he partners with designers and art directors to deliver meaningful, thought-provoking creative concepts that are rooted in strategy. A firm believer in the power of collaboration, Ted draws inspiration from across the agency and takes deep pride in creating work that shifts perspectives and transforms lives.

Prior to Argus, Ted penned spots for the Massachusetts Department of Health’s Covid-19 vaccination campaign, among others. A versatile creative, he’s also produced anthem videos for local non-profits, developed OOH activations for global tourism, and built real estate brands on the East and West Coast. No matter the challenge, Ted’s diverse experience, emotional intelligence, love of new ideas, and passion for problem-solving puts him one step ahead of the game.

When not jotting down new concepts, Ted enjoys watching college football, reading The New Yorker, and spending time with his wife and son.

Alexandra Indira Sanyal

Associate Strategist

Alexandra Indira Sanyal

Associate Strategist

As Associate Strategist, Alexandra works closely with the Chief Strategy Officer and the accounts team to conduct formative research, develop insights, and articulate brand and marketing strategies. She draws on her boundless curiosity and critical thinking skills to implement systematic approaches to problem solving, both for clients and for the agency. Alexandra also curates outward-facing content, such as social media messaging, blog posts and newsletters, to position Argus as a thought leader.

Alexandra has degrees from Bryn Mawr College’s Growth & Structure of Cities program and the Masters in Design Studies program at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, where she focused on issues of spatial identity and heritage narratives. As a freelance content creator, she’s worked with cause-based organizations like Aspire Institute Inc, South Asian SOAR, and Laal NYC to reach out to new audiences and better tell their stories.

Though she spends much of her time writing, Alexandra is extremely passionate about another kind of storytelling: Indian Classical Dance, including Bharatnatyam, Odissi, Kuchipudi and fusion dancing. In fact, she currently teaches at Boston’s Triveni School of Dance, and choreographs for and performs in shows across the Greater Boston Area.

Julia Rod

Integrated Producer

Julia Rod

Integrated Producer

As Integrated Producer, Julia has a hand in all creative production across the agency — from idea conception to content distribution. With a strong vision and sharp problem-solving skills, Julia creates memorable content and brings attention to brands and causes that matter. For Julia, there’s no detail too small to mind and no project too big to tackle.

Prior to Argus, Julia worked in television, producing content for the PBS series Frontline and Antiques Roadshow, before pivoting to advertising. Julia spent time honing her skills at agencies such as MullenLowe and Hill + Knowlton, working with major brands such as KFC, E*Trade, Corona, and Amazon, among others.

When not flexing her creative muscles, you can find Julia planning trips, cooking for her friends and family, and spending as much time outside as possible.

Isabelle Wigon

Senior Account Manager

Isabelle Wigon

Senior Account Manager

As a Senior Account Manager, Izzy combines her strategic mindset and collaborative attitude to help the world around her. Her analytical thinking paired with her creative acumen empowers her to revitalize brands and take them to new heights.

Izzy has a background in strategy and account management for non-profit, B2B, and B2C clients. She has executed rebranding projects and marketing campaigns across a variety of industries, including health, pharma, cybersecurity, and animal health & wellness. With a breadth of experience across the marketing landscape and a passion for research, she can analyze data with both a focused and broad lens to pull out unique insights for a strong brand strategy.

Outside of work, Izzy can be found shopping locally, taking care of her (many) houseplants, and, most importantly, spending time at the barn riding her horse, Petunia.

Lucy Leavitt

Account Manager

Lucy Leavitt

Account Manager

As Account Manager, Lucy helps to shepherd our big ideas into flawlessly executed campaigns and rebrands for clients such as East Boston Neighborhood Health Center and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. She is detail-oriented with a focus on process, managing projects and performing much of the crucial behind-the-scenes work that keeps our clients happy and our work on target.

Lucy began her career in the financial and nonprofit sectors, coordinating projects such as website redesigns, social media strategy, and marketing communications. Most recently, she worked in the marketing and operations department of AGC Partners, a technology-focused boutique investment bank. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics with a minor in Hispanic Studies from Trinity College, where she also served as music director for her all-female acapella group.

When she’s not reliving her musical glory days, Lucy enjoys getting into nature and staying active by skiing, hiking, and scuba diving.

Liz Lozano

Social Media Specialist

Liz Lozano

Social Media Specialist

As Social Media Specialist, Liz works with clients such as the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism, to develop strategies that leverage Social Media as a tool for reach and engagement. Great at details and an organizational maven, she is deeply committed to the values and aspirations of our clients.

Liz earned her bachelor’s degree in International Business and Spanish Studies from Dominican University (River Forest, IL), where she led the Organization of Latin American Students, spearheading successful marketing and social media efforts for culture-based events and projects. Before Argus, she managed clients in the transportation, health care, and commercial industries in a SaaS company.

At home, Liz unwinds with her adorable rescue dog, Theo. As a devoted environmentalist, she spends much of her time finding plant-based recipes and ways to live a low-waste lifestyle.

Emily Smith

Senior Account Manager

Emily Smith

Senior Account Manager

An experienced Senior Account Manager, Emily supports clients doing meaningful work in the health care and related fields. Emily brings a creative mindset and a knack for building strong relationships to everything she does.

Emily received her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Communications from Endicott College, where she also minored in studio art with a focus on painting. After graduating, she joined a recruitment advertising agency and led a team responsible for developing campaigns for various healthcare networks. In this fast-paced agency environment, Emily found her passion for teamwork and creating value for clients.

When she is not managing projects, Emily is making plans to complete her life goal of visiting every national park in the U.S. Emily also enjoys going on hikes and spending time with friends and family.

Rebecca Frank, MPH

Account Manager

Rebecca Frank, MPH

Account Manager

A relationship-builder, organized planner, and creative thinker at heart, Rebecca brings subject matter expertise and project management experience to public health projects in her role as Account Manager.

Rebecca has a Masters in Public Health and Masters of Science in Applied Nutrition from Tufts University, as well as a certificate in Climate Change and Health from Yale University. Before Argus, she received a fellowship through which she administered community nutrition programs at a group of clinics in New York — serving low-income community members and patients living in shelters throughout the Bronx and Manhattan. She then worked as a project coordinator for the communications team at the Good Food Institute, a non-profit think-tank focused on sustainable food systems and alternative proteins, where she exercised her love for writing, editing, and creative strategy.

When she’s not color-coding spreadsheets, Rebecca is usually cooking something with chickpeas, talking about how cute her dog is, or planning her next trip with her friends or fiancé.

Tiffany Kung

Junior Designer

Tiffany Kung

Junior Designer

As a Junior Designer, Tiffany works with the creative team to bring big, strategic ideas to life. As a multidisciplinary creative, she approaches each project with a can-do attitude and a passion for creating work that matters.

Prior to Argus, Tiffany worked as a Marketing Coordinator for both Yesway and Allsup’s Convenience stores, where she spearheaded a refresh of their social media, directed seasonal photoshoots, and wore several other hats. Tiffany earned her bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Endicott College, and her master’s degree in Advertising from Boston University.

When she’s not working on ads, Tiffany, a self-proclaimed foodie, frequently visits the North Shore to indulge her love for new restaurants (and taking pics before letting anyone eat).

Beth Sisay

Account Coordinator

Beth Sisay

Account Coordinator

As an Account Coordinator and Office Administrator, Beth supports both the leadership and account teams in daily operations and overall business development. With a passion for education and health equity, she is dedicated to her work with our public health clients including the Office of Problem Gambling Services and the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services.

With a degree in Business Administration from American University, Beth is passionate about applying her interests in marketing and business to purpose-driven projects that strive to create positive social impact. Prior to Argus, she completed an internship with Publicis Sapient, a digital marketing agency with clients across the globe.

In her free time, you can find Beth spending time with her family and friends or perfecting her recipe for the best chocolate chip cookie around.

Margaret Dener

Account Coordinator

Margaret Dener

Account Coordinator

As an Account Coordinator, Margaret supports the rest of the account team on a variety of account management tasks, ensuring that daily operations run smoothly. Growing up in the North Shore, Margaret brings her passion and commitment to uplifting local MA businesses to her work with our client, the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism.

Margaret graduated from St. Lawrence University with a degree in Creative Writing and Government. Before Argus, she completed an internship at TimeOut London, where she wrote digital news posts and created content for social media.

In her free time, Margaret can be found reading or taking photographs.

Harriet Yellin


Harriet Yellin


Harriet is the financial guru at Argus, working with the COO and the account team to oversee all transactions, vendor payments, and client billing.

Harriet has had a wide-ranging career, from political strategist to theater producer. As founder and President of Yellin Media, she developed media strategies for political candidates and causes across the country, including a stint as National Media Director for the 1988 Dukakis for President Campaign.  Her experience in theater ranges from producer of off-Broadway shows like Forbidden Broadway and Forever Plaid to General Manager of Blue Man/Boston, which eventually led to a move to New York and a 10-year tenure as CFO of Blue Man Productions, where she managed all finances for seven national and international productions with gross revenues of $100 million.

She calls herself “semi-retired” but working at Argus helps to keep her out of trouble.